Wednesday, July 18, 2007

well, it looks like i'll be going to montreal, for better or for worse. it's funny; i thought that once i'd made some sort of decsion then all this stress and anxiety would go away, but it seems only to be getting worse. now that i know i am (probably...) going, i am starting to look at the logistics, costs and bureaucracy that will be involved. yuck.

but i suppose once school begins, once i have a place to live, once i can actually live in the present again then i will (hopefully?) calm back down. (although that implies that i have some semblance of calm to return to...)

oh woe.

on that note, anybody else up for a move across the country?


Anonymous said...

How bout a move two countries down? What d'you say Kerria my love? Montreal is so pasee, Mexico's the place to be. Am I right or am I right?

vkb said...

Hey K-Dawg. You're gonna love Montreal, I just know! And your course sounds super fun... we'll miss you muchly though.

But on a happy note, I think my friend from France and I are planning a trip to Montreal in the winter... see you there?

Anonymous said...


I'll be in Montreal next month, and should be able to see you Oct. 23, or 24th.

Please post something and let us know how you are doing! How is school, the city, la Francais, le Matthieu?? Tell all!
