Tuesday, October 07, 2008

hmm. vancouver. i rode my bike back to east van from langara yesterday evening in the brief period between rainstorms, and ended up stopping my bike at some large cemetery to gape. the green of the grass, the bit of rainy mist in the distance, the blue of the mountains, the orangey red trees! this is a beautiful city. i've recently reacquainted with my bike, and it's quite nice (bad timing though - i seem to have taken it out of retirement just as the 6 months of rain are starting). actually, it's my mom's bike that i am riding, and boy is she a beauty. she's got at least four different shades of fluorescent, which looks just lovely when i lock her up with the hot green lock i've somehow acquired. it kinda reminds me of the outfits my mom used to make for me that were made out of some sort of scratchy, starchy unmoving material...

anyways, vancouver is real pretty, even in the rain. i have a cozy sense of home here. it's nice.

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