Thursday, September 28, 2006


why hello there!

well, it's official. i'm a vancouverite. i now have outrageous rent and a cell phone. i belong.

i also seem to be writing a blog that no one reads. perhaps this could really be like a journal, where i could profess my deepest darkest secrets and no one would ever know! and then when i died they'd find it, and publish it. but you all could have read it long ago, for free! silly you.

vancouver seems to be significantly cooler than victoria. which generally means many more opportunities to spend my money. hmmm...

well. ok. this feels only slightly less sad and weird than talking to oneself, so i'm off.


immutabler said...

oh, you know I can't stop.

I sent your letter to mission. this may be an issue.

immutabler said...

like I said, update and a coveted position shall be yours.