Thursday, December 14, 2006

chapters one and too

it suddenly struck me that christmas is nigh. so very nigh. today is, what, the 14th? how did this happen? i am always so unprepared for everything that crosses my path. i look up from my coffee, my book, and wham! i realize that life goes on even when i'm not paying attention, which is frequently.

but it's not too late, i suppose, to join in the merriment. this coming week should be a very whirlwind of merriment, in fact. potlucks, dress-up parties, lantern festivals, craft-makin' and bread-bakin' - and so much visiting. i can hardly wait.

* * * * * * * * * * *

so. last night i spent the good part of three hours on the telephone having this twisting tornado of a conversation with eben. a lot of this conversation seemed to revolve around the ways in which we change, in which we ebb and flow...

(an aside - last tuesday eb was introduced to a girl named flo. it made my night)

...and today i'm thinking a lot about the ways in which we become different people made up of different tangible and intangible material from year to year. being human is such an effin mystery, such madness! we are born, we obsess about every silly detail of our self-obsessed lives, we slump around these man-made worlds, occasionally looking up and around in wonder, and then we look back down into our little worlds, obsess some more about weird human constructs such as money, romance, art... and then eventually we die. and what was it all for?

one question i posed to eb was this: what, exactly, would you talk about if you knew you were going to die in, say, five days? how could you not realize how pointless everything is? how could you not realize how almight important every little thing is? and what do you say anymore to those you love? how much of our lives revolve around our futures, around avoiding the frightening reality that all we have is now? (as the flaming lips once said) and once that future is removed how do we keep from drowning in the present; that moment that we struggle so much to avoid?

oh, i know, i know, i digress. and perhaps 23 is a little too young to obsess about mortality. but it's there, and maybe if we think about these things enough we can find a way of accepting them and making our lives less of a distraction, more of a life.

who knows.

well, any thoughts?


vkb said...

Difficulte questions you pose miss. I would argue that the point of life is, well, to live. However one may go about doing that. And that therefore what may seem pointless is infact part of the point.

That having been said, I also believe that it is our duty, as those having had the dumb luck to be born in such a rich society, into positions of relative wealth. (And while there are people who have so much more than us there are so many more who have so much less) to do our best to help those that we can.

Anonymous said...

dumb luck?

slow low flying turkey said...

oh oh. i see tension and political debate bubbling up from the comment page of my blog, slowly, subtly, surely.

elf power!

wintergonesummer said...

it's never too late to join in the merriment.