Tuesday, February 20, 2007

raccoons and love birds

ah, spring. t'is here in all it's glory and who isn't loving it? crocuses have sprung from a dingy pot on my fire escape. who knew life was lurking there?

had a nice weekend. it began with a wily raccoon rubbing his adorable nose against my window. i took a video cause he was so terribly cute. awwww.

then i went to burnaby to visit eben. we walked to a tiny patch of trees that i can't bring myself to grace with the title 'forest', but it was peaceful nonetheless. a creek burbled by, and ladies in spandex 'halloooed' us. we walked for a while, and i realized it had been many a moon since i had escaped from the urban.

(ah, the politics of nature. been reading one of my prof's books lately about clayoquat sound. the cultural construction that is wilderness, the lies we tell ourselves as tourists. it's much more complicated than that, but, y'know)

anyways. i got to play with the hensby family bird who took a liking to my shoulder. and then on sunday i got to go to chinatown, wander the classical gardens, drink bubble tea till i felt ill, and peruse the dusty crowded shelves of many a kitchy store.

so yah. i feel pretty grateful for everything. spring, a lovely weekend, and so much more to come. maybe even some cross country skiing next weekend!

1 comment:

immutabler said...

we must do this, sometime in April?


I have two weeks off between exams and I am finished exams on the 23rd. Wanna go? wanna, wanna, wanna.

It'll be relatively cheap, unlike that cash-grap that is XC skiing.