Sunday, December 16, 2007

Alone, alone, about a dreadful wood...

well, it seems that exam period turns me into a daily blogger, with or without an audience.

So, i am officially the queen of procrastination. three exams to go before thursday, and i have spent most of today reading the newspaper, baking goodies, daydreaming, watching the snowstorm ebb and flow outside, playing scrabble on the internet, looking up useless facts, checking my email, and occasionally reading over old ones. I found a gem of an email from this wonderful japanese guy i met in thailand, where, among other awesome things, he wrote:

"You have splendid sensitivity and good looks like a fairy"

how can a gal not be flattered by such compliments?

oh engrish.

oh asia...


wintergonesummer said...

Good looks like a fairy! What a lovely compliment!
The date of a friend at my Xmas party said I look like a china doll, which I also found very flattering, whether it's true or not. (John insists he has given me the same compliment, but I think he just doesn't want to be upstaged by a stranger.)
Good luck on your exams! Looking forward to seeing you later this month!
xo pamela

Anonymous said...

that is a wonderful compliment

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.