Friday, March 28, 2008

summer rules, microsporidia drool

it is 11:07 pm on a friday night, and i have been staring at a paper outline about parasitic evolution and honey bees for the past three hours or so. or make that the past three weeks. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SCIENCE! why are they making me do this?

anyways, the point is, i am starting to remember what a procrastinator i am. i have incredible amounts of homework to do, and yet i can never quite find time to do any of it, what with all my dilly-dallying about on the internet, looking a strange facts and pretty pictures. i've spent a lot of time today reading about montreal...its history, its great summer events, its historic architecture and extreme hipness.

i may actually be developing a full-fledged blushing crush on montreal, though of course i realize she's a two-faced fair-weather kind of mate.

two degrees celcius seems to have warmed everyone's blood; everyone looks so happy all of a sudden, and so hopeful. it's strange how exciting it was the other day to feel sun on my face and then suddenly realize that it felt...warm! not very warm, but there was an unmistakable hint of something not cold. summer is coming! now we just have to wait for those 6 feet of snow to melt, and we're golden.

but yeah, i'm excited! montreal is slowly defrosting and it is crazy how palpable the anticipation is. it's really hard to concentrate on Apis mellifera and the various microsporidia that plague their bellies.

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