Thursday, April 10, 2008

cannibalism and other worries...

so, it's my last day of school today, and i'm getting all emotional. here i come big world, again... it's funny, because this has been such a different experience than my bachelor's degree. that was so much longer, and so much more life-changing, and so much more filled with close friends. and yet, despite always being the oldest one in the class, despite annoying group projects and many sleepless stressed-out nights, i'm glad i did this, and i feel sad to leave.

one of my classes just finished up with all the profs putting what we had learned into a framework of real life, and it was in a way helpful to know that i am not the only one who is terribly cynical, but also full of hope for the future. also, apparently i'm not the only one who fears being eaten in the apocalypse (though i bet my profs didn't have to make their significant others promise not to eat them).

anyways, though the people in my class are mainly quite young, and some of them have ideas about the world that are a bit idealistic, a bit simplistic, they also have ideas about the world that give me hope. though there are certainly issues with this program at mcgill (ie: a total lack of female teachers and female perspectives, among other things), there is also a really great mix of disciplines that i think produces more well-rounded people. little renaissance-women and men. well, kinda.

anyways, i'm probably just emotional because i had my third sleepless night in a week last night. but also because i feel such bitter cynicism and also such hopeful hope for the world. how are we going to fix all the things that have gone wrong? i have very little faith that we can, but i also feel that throwing up my hands and giving up would be a disservice to myself and to the world. i guess the question i keep asking myself, now that i'm out of school again, is what is the best way to 'help'? I want to make things better, i want to make the world a kinder place, and i want to avoid being eaten by bloodthirsty corporate lawyers and politicians. but i don't know how.

1 comment:

Gargantuana said...

Everything is fixable - we just need enough time to sort everything out. Or at least that's what I assume.

I can't believe you're done already - I feel that this year has gone scarily fast. Though I spose it's only 4 months in. But still!
