Friday, November 17, 2006

the victorian era

is it a coincidence that my street and bus route in vancouver are both called 'victoria'?

hmmm... i miss that fair city. spent the last five days on the island, filling my time with friends, music, beer, books... felt strangely normal, as though that were in fact my life, and it is vancouver that is a recurring tangible dream.

and yet... such a big part of me says "kerria! you need the smog, you need the skyscrapers, you need the filth, you need the life, you need the millions of stories that surround you!"

well, something like that. hard to translate your inner voice into words.

but i miss a life i used to lead, and i miss all those people that made my visit so full of love and fun and excitement. perhaps it's just in relation to my rather antisocial and introspective life here, but it was fun and exciting and full of love nonetheless.

well, at some point i plan on finding my community, my niche, my comfort zone. it may take years but i will find it, and for now i'll try to be thankful for this time and space to think, drift, over-analyze, write, go mad and most of all, feel thankful for what i had and have and will have.

and going mad is not so bad, i think...

1 comment:

immutabler said...

you might have thought that I wasn't amazingly observant, but I am.

I spell just fine.