Sunday, October 29, 2006

art school

emanuel is scary.

also, i like douglas coupland.

''To this day, if friends with kids in trouble ask for advice i tell them send the
kids to art school. a few times the advice has been taken, and it's always
worked out well. art, you are my jackhammer. art, you are my bulldozer.''

i also like art. i wish i stuck it out at art school. then i could have a handy tool and a piece of heavy machinery to help me through the trials and tribulations of unemployment and mopey-ness. sadly, all i have now is a degree in art history.

stupid, stupid...

well, i guess i can still make art, as scary as it is. stupid ego.

1 comment:

immutabler said...

art school!!!?

your latter plan is better. Just make art. Most of the successful artists I know just do it. But beware, it takes time. A whole lot of precious time. And money. And patience. Maybe join a collective. That guy I ran into on the street was this guy:

I guess he lives near you. If you find him he could be helpful.