Monday, October 30, 2006

for paula

it is the kind of autumn day today
that i am told you loved
cold blue sky and every street a different colored carpet

it is my favorite time of year too
despite the sadness that change brings
this year more than ever
as meg says, autumn will always now
be colored by your death;
among the fallen leaves, your face

i'm trying to look after her
but i'm not so strong these days

i keep thinking of your face at
every choir concert of my childhood
teary and streaked with pride as we
sang our little hearts out
and i feel so lucky to have known you and
your generous love

your faith in me astounds me when i look back

i remember the importance of your weeping
as i was leaving everything behind last winter for the unknown
i was terrified and sad
and when i saw your tears it touched me more than you could have realized
and stays with me

and somehow i'm glad that autumn will forever be your season
when the trees weep for love and change

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