Sunday, October 29, 2006

iron your carefully crafted disguise

cold and very october-esque today. the sun shines but you can see the cold hovering in the air. the sky is not quite that summer blue these days...

hmm. quit my job, got a new one. a bit more stressful but it comes with tips and free food. so.

somehow missed two parties this weekend; once for too many beers and good conversation, the second for a warm bed. so much for making new friends...

been doing a lot of over-thinking lately. it's making me self-absorbed and mopey. and i think it's time to suck it up and start appreciating all the good things in my life. i have such good friends, and even if most of you guys are a bit far away it really helps that you exist.

so, uh, i appreciate it.

i dunno. today is a bit confusing.

1 comment:

wintergonesummer said...

i appreciate you, too.